Sunday 29 July 2012


Two Kenyan children, Naylee Nagda and Arkajyoti Ghosal have emerged the 6th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest winners. The two beat 1622 other national participants to clinch silver and bronze respectively in the renowned art contest. The contest's finalists included Smit Prakash Haria,Simon Munene and Nabeel Jayesh Chudasama.

The two winners will next week join other world winners in Japan for an honorary award presentation event at the Toyota Motor Corporation [TMC] headquarters in Japan.

The Toyota Dream Car Art contest is born of Toyota Motor Corporation resolve to cultivate creativity and innovation among children.

The global contest, which is open to children aged between 3- 15 years, originated from Japan in 2004, and has since been expanded from Asia to include North, Central, and South America; Europe; Oceania; Middle East; and Africa.

The celebrated contest dubbed "Your Dream—The Car of the Future" aims to create an opportunity for children—through drawing pictures of their "dream cars" —to develop their interest in cars and further nurture their dream to reality.

The two Kenyan finalists were recently hosted at the Toyota Kenya head office with their guardians to receive their certificates of participation from the Naoki Takeuchi Managing Director, Toyota Kenya.

Speaking at the event, Mr Naoki Takeuchi applauded the finalists for participating in the unique competition "it is our honour at Toyota to showcase as many dream cars as possible from Kenya to the world. It is in pursuant of our commitment to cultivate creativity and innovation among our children that Toyota crafted the "Dream Car" art contest. To have two children represent us in Japan not only showcases our nation's talent but goes to prop up Toyota's efforts in nurturing tomorrow's generation"

The Toyota Dream Car Art Contest is held annually all over the world cutting across 3 different age categories.

Friday 27 July 2012

Minority CMC shareholders form bloc to demand delayed AGM

Minority shareholders at publicly listed motor company, CMC Holding Ltd today came together to demand that the Capital Markets Authority compel their directors to convene the overdue Annual General Meeting.

The shareholders, who last attended the company's AGM on March 4th 2011, have also accused the regulator of professional irresponsibility after the regulator granted its directors a 3-month extension to hold the statutory meeting under circumstances that they claim are baseless.

Speaking at a press conference, the shareholders representative Jeremiah Otaro also demanded a public publishing of their financial results for the period, accusing the regulator of failing to act within their powers to protect the shareholders interests.

"If CMA can penalize a listed company for failing to issue a profit warning, why hasn't the regulator penalized CMA for failing to publish the annual financial reports?. As shareholders we strongly feel that CMA has compromised itself in dealing with the CMC situation. We also believe that the best platform for we as shareholders to be participate in the developments on our company as has been debated in the media, is the AGM," Otaro said

According the Companies Act, section 132 (1)*, any shareholders with up to 10% stake may convene the AGM should the board fail to do so saw outside the stipulated 12-month statutory period.

The shareholders also questioned CMA's obligation in the decision of opting to temporarily appoint three non-executive directors to the CMC Holding Ltd board instead of pushing for the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) when the board was disbanded, pointing out that the regulator acted partially, and going against its role as an independent arbiter.

On September 12th 2011, Andy Forwarders Services Limited, a shareholder at CMC requisitioned for an EGM to discuss among other items, the company's poor performance for three consecutive years, coupled with the appointment of a new commission's agent by the management without the board's approval, plans to relocate the Land Rover and Volkswagen franchises to an alternative showroom at the cost of Ksh.250million as well as the reversal of salaries of 69 managers after four months of payouts.

Kindly send a crew to cover the event; for further information, kindly contact:
Jeremiah Otaro, Tel: +254 724 670 393, Kwanya Odidi tel: +254 721 490 985

*132 . (1) The directors of a company, notwithstanding anything in its articles, shall, on the requisition of members of the company holding at the date of the deposit of the requisition not less than one-tenth of such of the paid-up capital of the company as at the date of the deposit carries the right of voting at general meetings of the company, or, in the case of a company not having a share capital, members of the company representing not less than one-tenth of the total voting rights of all the members having at the said date a right to vote at general meetings of the company, forthwith proceed duly to convene an extraordinary general meeting of the company.

(2) The requisition must state the objects of the meeting, and must be signed by the requisitionists and deposited at the registered office of convening of extraordinary general meeting on requisition.

Wednesday 25 July 2012


Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, has launched two high end smart devices into the Kenyan market. The HUAWEI Honor Smartphone and the HUAWEI Media Pad tablet.

Retailing at Kshs 31,999 the HUAWEI Honor is not only easy on the eye but also offers excellent features. Operating on the Android 2.3 Gingerbread OS, this touch screen smart phone offers better power management offering up to 650 hours standby time, 9 hours talk time and has a power saving model that allows for 35% more power saving. This means customers can enjoy up 8 hours web surfing or up to 6 hours non-stop gaming.

It measures 61.5mm wide, 122mm in length, 10.9mm thick with a glossy black finish in a sleek body. It has a 4.0 inch LCD touch screen with 4 touch-sensitive controls at the bottom, supports 2G and 3G network and is Wi-Fi and GPRS enabled. The high definition 8MP camera has a rear-facing camera for crisp, quality pictures and a 0.3MP front-facing camera which allows for video chatting.

Speaking at the launch, Huawei Kenya Office CEO Mr. Wind Li said that Huawei was proud to be introducing these devices into the Kenyan market. "Kenya is now amongst the most technologically advanced African markets and we have seen an uptake in smart phone usage in the country. With HUAWEI Honor, we aim to increase the variety of choice Kenyans can make in the smart phone category based on the user experience that they want."
The Huawei Honor offers fully integrated social networking with quick access to Facebook & Twitter as well as access to Android Play store where the user can download almost 400,000 App's that are available. Its other features include MP3, MP4, java, fm radio and e-mail support.

On the home device front, the HUAWEI MediaPad Tablet will retail at Kshs 34,999 and is a sleek, slim, yet compact device weighing in at 390g and measuring 190mmx124mmx10.5mm. A first from Huawei Technologies in the Kenyan market, the Android 3.2 Honeycomb tablet is a heavy weight performer offering up to 6 plus hours of user time, an attractive 7 inch high definition LCD multi touch screen, 1.3 MP fixed focus camera and a rear-facing 5MP auto-focus HD camera.
Its 1.2 GHz dual core and High Speed Packet Access – plus (HSPA+) will offer users faster processing and downloads which comes with 8 Gigs of Memory onboard as well as a memory card slot which can be extended up to 32 GB with a micro SD (sold separately).

"Kenyan people are now aware of technology and have responded very well to our IDEOS Smartphones. Being the first home device to be launched in the Kenyan market, we are confident that its uptake will lead to the introduction of many more home device solutions", said Mr. Wind Li. "We are therefore spreading our wings to target the home device market that is growing," he added.

Despite competition, Huawei Devices have cut a unique niche in the mobile device market as a result of favorable pricing. This has been evident in the sale of 210,000 IDEOS U8150; a milestone that led to the launch of IDEOS Ascend Y100 now retailing at Kshs 8,499, two weeks ago. The IDEOS Ascend Y100 offers a better User Interface and battery life and is targeted at first time smart phone users and those who yearn for a smart phone experience at an affordable price.

The two devices will be retailing at Safaricom retail stores and come with a massive 1.5 Gig's of Data pre-bundled at no extra cost.

World-Wide Action on Black Carbon, Methane & Other Short-Lived Pollutants Grows as Seven More Countries Join New Coalition

Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan and the United Kingdom were today announced as new country partners in an international initiative to cut a range of climate-damaging pollutants that also have health and agricultural impacts.

The Stockholm Environment Institute has also become the first research institute to become a partner in the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants.

It brings to 21 the number of partners which are now part of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants which was launched in February this year.

The Coalition, the secretariat of which is hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), is targeting world-wide emissions of black carbon or 'soot', methane and hydroflurocarbons (HFCs).

Fast action to reduce short-lived climate pollutants can have a direct impact on climate change, with the potential to reduce the warming expected by 2050 by up to 0.5 degrees Celsius.

At the same time, by 2030, such action can prevent millions of premature deaths, and avoid the annual loss of more than 30 million tons of crops.

The Coalition complements actions taken by countries under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and other actions targeted at carbon dioxide.

The announcement of new national partners (see quotes from the new partners in the notes to editors), several of whom signalled their commitment to join at the last G8 Summit in the United States, came as members of the Coalition today discussed the progress of five international initiatives to accelerate action on these harmful pollutants.

The G8 also commissioned the World Bank, which is partner in the CCAC, to "…prepare a report on ways to integrate reduction of near-term climate pollution into their activities and ask the World Bank to bring together experts from interested countries to evaluate new approaches to financing projects to reduce methane, including through pay-for-performance mechanisms." The outputs will be available in early 2013.

The Initiatives were agreed at the first ministerial of the Coalition held in Stockholm, Sweden in April during the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the first UN Conference on the Human Environment.

Methane Emissions from Municipal Waste
Waste generated world-wide is responsible for an estimated one-third of global methane emissions—a greenhouse gas over 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide and one linked to the generation of ground level ozone that is not only damaging to crops but human health.

The Coalition is working with the Global Methane Initiative and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which is partnered with the Clinton Climate Initiative, to assist urban areas to cut methane emission from across the waste chain including from landfills and pollution linked with organic waste like food.

The initiative is also planning to assist cities in reducing open burning of municipal waste, which results in harmful black carbon emissions.

A dedicated web-based platform, through which cities world-wide can share experiences, achievements and best practices, will be launched.

At today's meeting in Paris, the Coalition discussed progress on this initiative, including plans to work with an initial group of up to 10 cities during the next 12 months through measures such as waste inventories, enhanced composting and recycling, landfill management, and comprehensive waste sector planning.

Emissions from Brick Kilns
The manufacture of bricks in developing countries is often linked with significant emissions of toxic fumes including black carbon.

The Coalition is assessing how to assist countries to switch to more efficient and mechanized 'firing' technologies.

A recent study in India and Vietnam indicates that modernizing 35,000 old brick kilns in the region could cut black carbon emissions by 40,000 tons equal to 27 million tons of CO2.

Mexico, which has secured close to $1 million from the Global Environment Facility to carry out the first national assessment of SLCPs including those from itsestimated 20,000 traditional brick kilns, is planning a Coalition workshop inSeptember to advance action in the region.

The Coalition is also putting in place the awareness raising and knowledge generation needed to fast track demonstration projects.

Reducing Black Carbon Emissions from Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles and Engines
The Coalition discussed many different methods of reducing black carbon from heavy duty diesel vehicles and engines—emissions that are not only a health risk but contribute to melting in the Arctic.  

The use of low sulphur fuels opens up the possibility of one method - fitting particle or black carbon filters to heavy duty vehicles.

Efforts under the UNEP-hosted Clean Fuels and Vehicles Partnership, originally established to phase lead out of petrol, are now focused on reducing sulphur levels in transport fuels.  The Coalition is planning to build off of UNEP's existing sulphur reduction efforts to also tackle black carbon emissions.

Promoting Alternatives to HFCs
HFCs are increasingly being used  as replacements to CFCs in areas such as air conditioners, refrigeration and foams because they have zero impact on the ozone layer--the Earth's shield that filters out dangerous levels of the sun's ultra violet rays.

However studies indicate that some HFCs are powerful greenhouse gases and if these become widespread they could be responsible for emissions equivalent to 3.5 to 8.8 Gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon dioxide (Gt CO2eq) - comparable to current annual emissions from the entire global transport system, estimated at around 6-7 Gt annually.

There are many climate-friendlier replacements available and opportunities to reduce HFC emissions through advanced technologies as well as best service practices.

The Coalition is catalysing awareness of the risks and the alternatives. This week it convened a packed meeting of industry and governments in Bangkok, Thailand aimed at fast tracking these aims.

Emissions from the Oil and Gas Industry
Venting and leakage from oil and gas systems account for over a fifth of global man-made methane emissions and represent estimated economic losses of $27 billion to over $60 billion a year.

An estimated one-third of these losses can be reduced at zero cost with existing technologies and practices. Meanwhile flaring also leads to emissions of black carbon.

Action is underway to address the issue through initiatives such as the Global Methane Initiative, the Natural Gas STAR International program, and the Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) Partnership.

The Coalition is planning to build upon those efforts by working with industry, countries and investors to catalyse accelerated action.

PAWA Salon Master Talk X With Teddy Mitchener

Pawa254 would like to cordially invite you for Pawa Salon X Master Talk with Professional Photographer Teddy Mitchener on the 26th of July 2012. Teddy Mitchener is a commercial and fine arts photographer with a varied background in the photography industry, having vast experience plying his trade in the USA, and now within the East African region. He is the founder and C.E.O of House of Fotography a company that combines technical expertise and art to bring you stunning visual imagery. Teddy Mitchener leads his team of highly talented photo and video professionals, who are dedicated to using their creativity to fuse art and science with breath-taking results.

The salon, held at Pawa254 Hub, will start at 4:30pm and run till 7:00pm after which refreshments will be served. Invite a friend, tell three others and plan to attend. We look forward to having you over. For more info, be sure to check out, and RSVP, the Facebook page:

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Youths move to invest in real estate giving Kenya a new face

In a move that offers a lead to thousands of job seekers in Kenya, a group of four young entrepreneurs have bet their fortunes on the lucrative real estate sector, creating a 30-home multi-million development, Sigona Valley, as an exclusive gated community located in a serene environment in West Nairobi.

In their late 20s, the proprietors of Serene Valley Properties Limited launched Sigona Valley in March 2012, and have since sold 50 per cent of the homes, having raised secure non-bank, development finance to fund their project.

"One day as we sat talking, an idea took us that we need to defy the odds of employment and get into investment. Real estate was the boom, and we bought the idea," said Mr. Kimiti Wanjaria, Director, Serene Valley Properties Limited, the developer of Sigona Valley.

They are today putting in the estate's infrastructure, and holding their groundbreaking ceremony on the homes, which will be complete - in a genuinely stunning setting - from May to August next year. However, the denouement of their dream has been brought about through absolute determination.

"We approached 12 different banks, most locals, for funding, but they were more focused on our personal profiles and financial background and thus our ability to repay the loan if the project snarled." said Mr. Kimiti.

It was then that the four approached development funders for construction financing. These financiers are charged with promoting national development through funding private initiatives.

"The DFI was majorly concerned with the fundamentals of the project, its viability and the selected consulting team," said Mr. Kimiti.

This DFI offered 60 per cent of the project funding; an alternative source of funding that has "cushioned" the young investors from the still prevailing high interest lending rates.

"We then approached Hass Consult to model and manage the project on a pre-sale basis to raise ongoing funds from buyers' deposits," said Mr. Kimiti. The four graduates themselves provided the development land as their equity.

With unemployment rates in Kenya reported at 40 per cent in 2011, and 61 per cent of this group comprising of youths in the 20-35 age bracket, the four young property developers, are now profoundly repositioned and fully engaged in applying all they have learned, in a leap that many young professionals are now chasing.

According to data from the registrar of Companies at Sheria House, over 200 companies and 300 businesses are registered on a daily basis, with the number of youths seeking to register their own businesses rising significantly over the years.

About 90 per cent of businesses registered in Kenya each day are by people below 35 years.

The majority of the youthful entrepreneurs are interested in industries such as ICT, music, food and catering, transport, media, communication, design and fashion.

However, lucrative sectors such as real estate, which has remained dominated by high net worth individuals and corporations, is also offering opportunities for now a small vanguard of youth investors, thanks to a steady widening in options for access to capital.

"Real estate investment is mainly occupied by those with accumulated savings or investment seeking institutions, but youths have a wide range of opportunities they can exploit," said Ms Carol Kariuki, the Managing Director of The Mortgage Company.

Ms. Kariuki said youth can now access funds to purchase actual real estate assets either as individuals or investment groups, for rentals, trade in properties, or to become developers, or trade in Reits on the Nairobi Securities Exchange.

At Sigona Valley, the young investors have priced the houses to attract the middle-income market segment to an area with significant growth and capital appreciation potential. The development is offering 3 and 4 bedroom villas in three different house designs for between Sh12m and Sh16m, in a tranquil gated community set on 4 acres, a stone's throw from Waiyaki Way and 5km from Sigona Golf Club.

Each of the 30 homes sit on approximately 1/10th of an acre with access to community facilities such as borehole water supply, solar hot water heating, waste water recycling and secured boundary walling.

The Sigona Valley development is costing the investors Sh350m.

Monday 23 July 2012


World Classics is the theme for 2012

The 7 th edition of the Kenya International Film Festival KIFF edition will take place from the 24 th of October to the 3 rd of November with calls for submissions running through to the end of August. This comes on the heels of last years' festival which saw a record 360 films and documentaries screened in six theatres spread across the country.

According to KIFF executive director Charles Asiba, there are 200 films that have been entered for the 2012 festivals whose theme is "World Classics".

He said: "I am very happy to announce the start of the preparations for the 2012 editions of KIFF. It is heartening to note that we have so far received 200 films to be screened at this years festivals. This overwhelming support that we receive from film makers is proof that KIFF has come of age and a testament of Kenya's growing influence in film in Africa".

Mr. Asiba noted that last year, which saw the screening of internationally acclaimed movie, "The First Grader" featuring Kenya's own Mr. Oliver Litondo playing the late Kimani Maruge, who was the oldest primary student in the world, was bumper year for KIFF with over 600 entries received, from 57 countries and 360 passing master and getting screened. 2011 also saw the festival being graced by one of Africa's foremost writer and Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka of Nigeria.

The Kenya International Film Festival, is put together annually by the independent and privately ran Kenya International Film Festival Trust whose mandate, apart from organizing the festival, include training of film makers, organizing for a for exchange of ideas and meetings between film makers from across the continent.

In April this year, KIFF Trust together with the African Union, the Commonwealth Foundation and a private film company Film Africa, organized a four-day Pan-African Workshop for documentary film makers on Film and Democracy. The workshop drew participants from a number of African countries such as South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Seychelles and Kenya.

Mr. Michael Otieno who is the acting chairman of the trust said: "Despite the numerous international award winning films shot in Kenya such as "Out of Africa" and "Constant Gardener" , Kenya is yet to shoot an internationally acclaimed film with an entirely local crew and cast. We have the locations, we have the equipment and expertise but why are we not making these films. KIFF would like to change that by offering a platform for our local film makers learn from what the rest of the world is doing".

Mr. Asiba said KIFF board is reviewing a number of entries and will communicate the premier movie in due course.

He added: "I know that we set the standards very high last year by screening the " First Grader" as our premier film and the presence of Prof. Soyinka was icing on the 2011 cake. I promise you a bigger and better festival this year. Our premier movie will also fit the bill and no doubt raise the bar further".

Mr. Asiba said: "Film, which is over a century old, has evolved from the silent black and white movies to high-tech blockbusters. The 7 th Edition of Kenya International Film Festival wants to celebrate that journey, it will be nostalgic as it takes us down memory lane through the world classics theme and bring them back to the reality of the technology driven 21 st Century. We want to tag at peoples sentimentalities and motivate them to go to the cinema with these classics."


The headliners for the 2012 edition of Hennessy Artistry have been announced. Hennessy Cognac revealed last week Friday, July 20, 2012 that rappers M.I and Naeto C have been selected to front this year's Hennessy Artistry project.

Hennessy Artistry is an annual project that promotes the blending of cognac with cocktails, music and entertainment, and facilitates experimental collaborations between Nigerian artists, providing a much-needed platform for them to express themselves.

"Every year, we look back and see how much Hennessy Artistry has evolved", says Hennessy Marketing Manager, Tokini Peterside. "It's been a fulfilling journey these past five years and we are proud to have worked with so many of Nigeria's most talented musicians. This year's project is even more significant because we are facilitating a collaboration between two uniquely gifted artistes who to date, have never worked together as a duo."

As is characteristic of Hennessy Artistry, M.I and Naeto C will record a track together, shoot a video for the track, and perform for fans at different venues across Nigeria.

"I'm definitely excited to be part of this year's Hennessy Artistry train," says Naeto C, a best-selling rapper and hit-maker who with hits like 'Kini Big Deal' and '10 over 10' has influenced Nigerian street lingo more than anyone in his category. "This is my first time as a headliner on Hennessy Artistry, and it's exciting for me because it is a good platform for artistes and the brand also adds great value."

A prized act at Chocolate City, M.I is no stranger to Hennessy Artistry. He says his third outing on the project is "pleasantly surprising and humbling". Critically and commercially acclaimed, M.I has won millions of fans for rap music in Nigeria, taking the genre and culture to heights hitherto unreachable.

This year's Hennessy Artistry project will be the first time that M.I and Naeto are performing together as a duo, and they have promised to deliver the most exciting Artistry track and music video to date. The highly anticipated combination of both hip-hop artistes on Hennessy Artistry is expected to bring forth remarkable music, while creating never-seen-before experiences for fans across Nigeria.

"It's an incredible honour to be part of this year's Hennessy Artistry. This is not my first year on the project, but it makes me feel I must be doing something good career-wise. What do you get when you lock M.I and Naeto C in the studio? No one can predict that, I tell you - and I'm sure you all can't wait to find out. I certainly cannot wait to reveal what we have been working on. Hennessy Artistry this year will be epic," M.I says.

Launched globally by Hennessy in 2006, Hennessy Artistry is an innovative music platform that was created to showcase 'the art of blending' by celebrating the vibrant multiculturalism of different music genres - contemporary, hip and inspirational sounds from around the world. 

Hennessy Artistry kicked off in Nigeria in 2007, with a cocktail mixing contest among renowned bartenders. In 2008, the project pitched some of Nigeria's best disc jockeys against each other in a DJ Battle. In 2009, Hennessy Artistry organized an urban music contest for up and coming artists, which was won by Ice Prince 'Oleku' Zamani, who has since gone on to become a major artiste. Hennessy Artistry then orchestrated in 2010 the comeback of Sir Shina Peters, and grouped him on a multi-genre collaboration effort titled 'Like a Bottle' with artistes Bez, Nneka, Ice Prince and M.I. A second collaboration track and music video followed in 2011 titled 'Toast to the Good Life', which featured Tiwa Savage, Banky W and Eldee the Don.

The Hennessy Artistry 2012 collaboration between M.I and Naeto C will mark the 6th edition of the highly-anticipated yearly project by Hennessy Cognac.

Friday 20 July 2012


A Kenyan scientist is among 10 - African women who will win a KES 1.7 million (US $ 20,000) fellowship, by beauty products manufacturer, L'Oreal for her outstanding research in environmental science.

29 year old Mercy Ojoyi has been nominated to receive the prestigious 2012 L'Oréal-UNESCO Regional Fellowships For Women in Science (FWIS) in Sub-Saharan Africa at a colorful event to be held in South Africa tomorrow.

Ms. Ojoyi says she will plough back the money in her research work. It involves assessing dynamics of climate and its impact on natural ecosystems in East Africa using advanced remote sensing techniques. The study aims to specifically understand ecosystem dynamics in the Eastern Arc Mountains in East Africa, impacts on biodiversity, including anthropogenic and climatic factors.

"I am indeed honoured to receive the L'Oréal UNESCO fellowship, which will go a long way in helping facilitate my research requirements, particularly fieldwork, which is a major challenge with field data having to be collected in extremely remote and inaccessible areas," she said.

While congratulating Ms Ojoyi for her nomination, L'Oreal East Africa Managing Director Patricia Ithau commended Kenyan women for their contribution to science.

"I believe Kenyan women are strongly becoming influential forces in the field of science across the world," said Ms Ithau.

The scientific research areas being covered by this year's fellows include studies in computer science, microbiology, environmental science, pharmaceutical microbiology, environmental health, dermatology, genetics, biomedical technology and molecular biology.

Other winners are Vivian Boamah (Ghana); Tsige Ketema (Ethiopia); Fatemah Thawer-Esmail (Tanzania); Oluwasola Fasan (Nigeria); Mopo Leshwedi-Radebe (SA); Marisa Klopper (SA); Gerda Fourie (SA); Gcineka Mbambisa (SA); and Britt Drögemöller (SA).

Earlier in the year, the L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Fellowship Program awarded another Kenyan, Peggoty Mutai in France. In 2009, two previous international FWIS laureates were awarded Nobel Prizes in chemistry and medicine, bearing testimony to the impact of the foundation's influence on scientific research.



The L'Oréal Corporate Foundation created the For Women in Science partnership with UNESCO in 1998. Since then, more than 1 000 women scientists across the globe have been distinguished by the L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards.

The L'Oréal-UNESCO Regional Fellowships For Women in Science (FWIS) in Sub-Saharan Africa was first piloted in 2010.

Three pillars of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme:

1. L'OrĂ©al-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards : Only five women – one leading woman per continent - receive this prestigious award every year. They are called Laureates.

2. UNESCO-L'Oréal International Fellowships: 15 young women scientists (doctorate or post-doctorate) receive this fellowship annually.

3. L'OrĂ©al–UNESCO National Fellowship Programme: These fellowships anchor the For Women In Science programme in 47 countries around the world where L'OrĂ©al has a subsidiary, and thus assures the management and promotion of the programme.

In 2010, the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science partnership started a new and exciting chapter with the introduction of two For Women in Science Regional Fellowships; one in Sub-Saharan Africa and the other in Arab States. This new chapter is an extension of the National Fellowship programmes.

For more information on the For Women in Science community, go to

For more information, please contact:

Emily Manjeru

Gina Din Corporate Communications

Tel. O724 926 269


Sara-Lea van Eeden,

Taryn Fritz Public Relations & Communications Tel. 083 446 6109


Best regards,

Emily Manjeru

Media Executive

0724 926 269

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Kenyans to experience the Olympics in a special way via Google+ and YouTube

The stage is set for the Olympics in London from 27th July to 12th August. Kenyans are waiting in anticipation for the gold medals their national team will be bringing in, and to them showing their prowess in the usual 1-2-3 style. Through Google+ and YouTube this Olympics experience will be brought into the homes, hearts and minds of Kenyans.

Kenya is one of the 54 countries who have the rights to live stream the Olympic Games online as YouTube has purchased non-exclusive digital rights to stream the live Olympic Games of Summer 2012. During the games, viewers can choose to watch each event via a live YouTube stream - if events are happening concurrently viewers will be able to choose which stream they want to watch. All videos from the games will also be stored on making this destination the one-stop-shop for all Olympic content.

The Kenyan Olympic page on G+ is the place to find rich Kenyan Olympic Team content. The page is being supported by 5 experienced sports journalists who will be on the ground in London with full access to the Olympic stadium and athletes. Supporting journalists will develop unique and up-to-date content (in some cases real-time content such as live Hangouts with Olympians) and share this content on the Kenyan Olympic Team ' s + page .

"The IOC's live streaming on its YouTube channel will consist of 11 different simultaneous high-definition broadcasts, all with English language commentary. There will be ten live feeds from London 2012, running 9am to 11pm (London time) (on some days, these will start early or finish later based on competition schedule), plus a 24-hour broadcast of the Olympic News Channel, which includes summaries of the latest results, general reports on different events, and interviews with athletes. The Olympics have a great unifying effect; we are excited to bring this magic even closer to Kenyans, and to ensure they follow their teams' progress every step of the way," said Stephen Nuttal, Google, Head of Sport, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

While the IOC YouTube channel will allow people to stay up to date with the games, Google+ will enable actual engagement with national sports heroes and between fans. Kenyans can now follow the lives of the Kenyan Olympic team on the Kenya Olympics Google+ page which is being managed by Samsung.

Kenya House is a Brand Kenya project promoting the key opportunities or 'pillars' of Kenya; Trade, Export, Tourism, Investment and Sport through a physical location to be situated in London during the Olympic Games. A series of events have been developed to promote the 'pillars' of Kenya to tourists visiting London for the games. Google have collaborated on this project with the goal of extending the reach of Kenya House beyond its physical location - connecting the events and experiences in the House with an online audience both in Kenya and globally. A series of Google Hangouts from the London-based Kenya House will be broadcast to the public, where Kenyans will see firsthand the activities from the house in Stratford being used to showcase the most iconic aspects of the country.

"One of the big bets for this country has been the Olympics; we have such great sporting talent, we have an opportunity to share this talent and Kenyan successes with the world. We have a great opportunity to celebrate our talent and demonstrate our unity," explains Joe Mucheru, Google Kenya Country Manager. "We have a huge opportunity to share the Kenyan message online, forging this unity digitally - we want to share these plans with you all and let you know how you can get involved by using the large amount of content being developed with the end goal of supporting Kenya and the Kenyan team.

The Google Kenya team looks forward to sharing this special experience with everyone, and is looking forward to helping Kenyans share the information they care about with the people they care about. "We are happy to provide Kenyans with multiple ways to access and share the magic of the games," Joe concluded.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Send and receive Gmail on your phone as SMS

Email has become a part of everyday life. There's so much you do with it: apply for a job, make an inquiry, get notifications from your social network, receive photos or an invitation that makes you smile, and just communicate back and forth with your friends.

The Gmail team at Google puts in a lot of effort to make sure messages are delivered as soon as you hit "send". However, sometimes barriers arise between you and your email. What if you're not by a computer? Or your phone is not connected to the internet? Or the internet is down or too slow, so that emails just won't load?

To help solve these issues, we've created Gmail SMS. We're excited to be making this new service available in Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya. You can now send and receive emails as SMS messages using your mobile phone, regardless of whether or not your phone has an internet connection, like Wifi or 3G. Gmail SMS works on any phone, even the most basic ones which only support voice and SMS.

Gmail SMS automatically forwards your emails as SMS text messages to your phone and you can respond by replying directly to the SMS. You can control the emails received by replying with commands such as MORE, PAUSE and RESUME. Additionally, compose a new email as an SMS and send to any email address recipient - who will find your message in the right email conversation thread!

Receiving and sending your emails is fast and easy with Gmail SMS - you don't even need to get online to use Gmail.

You can register your phone from your Gmail account online in 5 easy steps:

    • In your Gmail account, click on your profile photo or account name at the top of the page and and click Account.
    • Click Open SMS settings in the "Phone and SMS" section.
    • Add your phone number to receive Gmail to that number.
    • Verify your phone number by entering the verification code that we sent as SMS to your phone.
    • Check the box for email forwarding to your phone.

Last but not least, receiving Gmail SMS is free of charge. Standard SMS rates apply when replying to messages, creating new messages and sending Gmail SMS commands from your phone. We hope you'll like it!

See a visual step-by-step guide on the Google Africa Blog .

Receive gmail via sms

SOS Children's Villages Kenya and CBA Launch New Partnership

Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA) entered into an exciting partnership with SOS Children's Villages Kenya as part of the firm's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

CBA is one of the largest privately-owned Kenyan bank, whose primary focus is Corporate, Institutional and Personal Banking. The bank is particularly active in providing a comfortable, elegant and secure environment for our corporate clients, institutional clients, foreign missions, NGOs and the aspirational end of the personal banking market to transact their financial business.

"The partnership with SOS Children's Villages Kenya is a great illustration of the Bank's commitment to serving communities in which it operates. CBA's CSR program places strong emphasis on education and are convinced that education is a means to empower children to become active participants in the transformation of their societies. Education is the essential path to get out of poverty. Jeremy Ngunze, CBA Group Head of Business Management says, "This focus on education is one of the reasons why SOS Children's Villages Kenya was considered a natural partner for the Bank". "As a bank we are not only interested in pursuit of material wealth, but rather the appreciation of a life rich with experience, lived by those who aspire to reach the pinnacle of self-actualization through education. When we were seeking out possible community-based organizations to support" he explains, "our principle driver, first and foremost, was credible and trusted NGOs with measurable and robust track records in community development work. We also wanted to focus on a CBO with a strong and dynamic education program. As one of the oldest, most trusted NGOs in Kenya – with homes and educational facilities that continue to positively impact the lives of hundreds of children and youth, SOS Children's Villages was a natural choice."

Ruth Okowa, the SOS Children's Villages Kenya National Director, concurs. "We are delighted that our discussions with CBA have culminated in this positive, long term partnership." As part of this agreement, CBA will participate in the organization's Adopt-a-House scheme, in which corporates contribute KES 900,000/- towards the general upkeep of 10 SOS Children every year. Ruth Okowa also explains that "taking care of our society's orphaned and abandoned children is a shared responsibility…we play our part in offering quality care to the hundreds of vulnerable children under our care, but we rely on friends and partners to help us meet the high costs involved. This crucial support from CBA will, therefore, ensure that the housing, education, nutritional and medical costs of 10 of our children are covered for a whole year."

In agreeing to participate in the SOS Children's Villages Kenya Adopt-a-House scheme, CBA will be joining several other partners who already actively support this program.

SOS Children's Villages is the largest child welfare organization in the world. Founded in Austria in 1949, the organization provides quality long-term care for orphaned and vulnerable children through its Children's Villages, SOS Schools, Family Strengthening Programs, Social and Medical Centers. In Kenya, SOS Children's Villages is active in Nairobi, Mombasa, Eldoret, Meru, Kisumu and Marsabit. Our mission is to build families for children in need, helping them shape their own futures. We also share in the development of the communities our children come from.

To date over 10,000 children and youth have benefited from our programs and interventions, with over 1,000 currently under our care. CBA's sponsorship will benefit 10 SOS Children from the newly opened SOS Children's Villages Kisumu.

Ruth Okowa Chris Pasha

National Director Head of Marketing

SOS Children's Villages Kenya Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA)



BASKETMOUTH was put on probation on this week's Glo presents The Big Friday show by our special guest celebrity host of the week, the beautiful and talented FUNKE AKINDELE. Our studio guest was the well known international DJ Humility.


We had our usual Glo presents The Big Friday Show Vlog segment brought to you by our Vlogger Stephanie. Stephanie gives us the weekly news on what is going on in the entertainment world and our GLO PRESENTS THE BIG FRIDAY SHOW PRANK where we pranked our studio guestDJ HUMILITY with the help of our host, FUNKE AKINDELE.


We also have on the show upcoming artists, SHUN DON who were given a task/studio challenge to complete in order to promote themselves at the end of the show. 


There's also the ASK/REPLY where Glo subscribers text in questions and MEET ME where a lucky Glo subscriber gets to meet DJ HUMILITY and ask him questions. Don't forget our weekly Glo presents Big Friday Show Countdown and the hilarious WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?


This episode was shot at Deuces in Victoria Island, Lagos.


Catch all the fun on the Big Friday Show this Friday on MTV Base at 8:30pm CAT, in Nigeria on STV at 6pm and 11pm, in Ghana on Viasat 1 TV at 6:30pm and in Benin Republic on ORTB at 9:30pm.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Senior U.S. Presidential Advisor Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to growth through Trade and Investment in Africa

Michael Froman, Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics underlined the Obama administration's continuing support to the rapid expansion of African economies and its commitment to the growth of U.S.
private sector trade and investment on the continent.

In his remarks to the Nairobi American Chamber of Commerce , Mr. Froman emphasized the role the private sector and foreign direct invest from the United States can play as African economies such as Kenya's continue to grow.   He noted that "...if the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa are to meet their goals of reducing poverty and expanding opportunity, it will because they become the next generation of emerging markets - countries whose growth is driven increasingly by investments, not assistance, not aid."   Mr. Froman did caution, though, that "...we will not be able to meet our economic goals absent strong democratic institutions or without peace and security."

Mr. Froman and a major delegation of Presidential Advisors, Senior Security Council Staff and administration officials are consulting with
political leaders, manufacturers, and investors in four African countries (Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Nigeria) as they discuss and
promote President Obama's Strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa issued by the White House in June of this year.

The complete text of Mr. Froman's speech to the Chamber is attached.

Zuku Film Awards Announced At ZIFF

The Zuku Awards Categories winners have been announced today at the 15th Zanzibar International Film Festival Awards. Hailed as the newest awards category introduced at the ZIFF Festival, the Zuku Awards seek to reward the best film created by African Directors, in African Location and with African Actors and Actresses. The award rewarded creativity in telling African stories, rewarding exceptional new talent in film directing and acting in Africa.

Speaking at the Awards Ceremony, Wangeci Murage Zuku said, "we are very excited to introduce the new Zuku Awards to the Zanzibar International Film Festival, and we aim to grow this award to one of the most prestigious Film Festival Awards in Africa."

This year, the Zuku Best African Film Award was given to Inside Story directed by Rolie Nikiwe. The movie from Rwanda reflected the creativity, excellence in the script writing and directing of the Film. The Zuku Best Actor Award was given to Kevin Ndege Mambo who acted as in the Inside Story Film. The Zuku Best Actress Award was given to three ladies namely Thuli Khulamelo, Nomfundo Dunazana and Reona Ngiba who acted in the Film Uhlanga (The Mark).

Commenting on the Zuku Best Actress Award, Vata Nganda said, "the winners of the Zuku Best Actress Award are a true reflection of what we seek to achieve with the award in raising the bar for new talent". She added, we can see this award growing to become the most prestigious award in Africa.

The Ousmane Sembene Films for Development Award to the film Uhlanga (The Mark) South Africa. The Movie Uhlanga (The Mark) also won the prestigious Verona Award and tickets to fly to Verona for the Film Festival.

The ZIFF Award for the Best Short Film was Moccasins directed by Denis M. Kimathi, ZIFF Best Documentary Award was Mama Africa directed by Mika Kaurismaki, ZIFF Best Animation Award was given to Ostora, Directed by Hani Kichi.

The Ziff Golden Dhow Award was given to Uhlanga (The Mark) from South Africa, ZIFF Golden Dow Runner Up Award and the ZIFF Best East African Film Award were given to the Film Zamora from Tanzania. In addition the Ziff Best Tanzania Feature Film was won by Chungu. Finally the ZIFF Best Tanzania Actor Award was given to Richard Mhlanga who acted in the movie Chungu.

Zuku, a leading pay TV network covering Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, has committed to sponsoring ZIFF over a period of 10 years for a total of one million dollars. The sponsorship is expected to provide much needed stability and support that will in turn contribute significantly towards improving the film industry, not only in Tanzania but the rest of Africa.

Zuku is Africa's fastest growing home entertainment provider which offers a wide selection of entertainment channels covering news, sports, movies, documentaries and music. These include various 3rd party channels such as BBC World News, MTV Base, Setanta Sports, Fox Entertainment and E! to name but a few. The provider also offers many of its own tailor-made channels such as Zuku Afrika, airing African content, Zuku Life, focusing on documentaries, and Zuku Sports, as well as a number of themed movie channels. The service is available via satellite throughout Tanzania.

Nairobi Ranked as a Top Destination City in Africa - MasterCard Index

Nairobi has been named one of the most popular destination cities in Africa in the 2012 MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index.


The Index has revealed that a projected 1.8 million visitors are expected to visit Nairobi in 2012, injecting an estimated $1.5 billion into the city's economy. These figures translate into a 10% growth in visitor numbers and a 16.7% growth in visitor spending over the 2011 Index results.


The Index, now in its second year, is used as a barometer for understanding the global economy and the dynamic flow of commerce across the world.  The Index ranks 132 global cities by their total international visitor arrivals and the cross-border spending by these visitors in the destination cities, and gives visitor and passenger growth forecasts for 2012.


Thirteen of these 132 destination cities are on the African continent and aside from Nairobi include: Accra, Cairo, Johannesburg, Casablanca, Beira, Cape Town, Dakar, Durban, Kampala, Lagos, Maputo, and Tunis.


Charlton Goredema, vice president, market manager, East Africa and Indian Ocean Islands, MasterCard Worldwide comments, "A key finding of the Index is that Nairobi ranks fourth out of 13 cities surveyed in Africa - both in terms of visitor numbers and visitor spend - highlighting its status as the financial heart of the East African region and a significant African economic hub."


"In addition, the noteworthy 16.7% growth in projected visitor spending for Nairobi sees the city ranked in 10th position globally among the fastest growing destination cities examined in the Index," adds Goredema.


Other leading African cities in terms of visitor numbers were Cairo, which expects 3.3 million visitors in 2012; Johannesburg, which expects 2.5 million visitors; and Casablanca, which anticipates 2.1 million visitors in the coming year.


"The Kenyan government's identification of air transport capacity being vital to the continued growth of the country's economy and the resulting investment in upgrading Jomo Kenyatta International Airport is now yielding results, as can be seen in the Index," adds Gordema.


The country's official airline – Kenya Airways – is also readying itself for growth in visitor numbers with its publically stated 2013 target of becoming the leading carrier on the continent - interlinking every African capital city and connecting the rest of Africa to the world via its Nairobi hub.


The three cities where most visitors to Nairobi are forecasted to originate from are London (203,000 people), Amsterdam (149,000 people), and Johannesburg (138,000 people).


The visitors from these top three cities will contribute considerably to the overall projected growth in visitor spending in Nairobi.  Londoners are expected to spend $339m during 2012 (a growth of 8.1% from 2011); those from Amsterdam are expected to spend $118m (a 6.7% growth from the 2011) while Johannesburg visitors are expected to spend $138m (a 10.2% growth from 2011).


Dr Yuwa Hedrick-Wong, global economic advisor for MasterCard Worldwide and author of the report says, "An interesting trend that we are observing is a rise in cashless payments with many international travelers opting to make electronic transactions as opposed to paying with cash. The trend is a response to an increasing demand for safe, simple and smart payments, and highlights the rising importance of cashless commerce for both business and leisure travel."


"Many travelers to Nairobi and Kenya are accustomed to a world beyond cash in which they use their payment cards in multiple ways. They expect the same safety and convenience when traveling abroad. This is a significant opportunity for businesses within Nairobi, and if they are to benefit from the projected 16.7% growth in traveler spend in the coming year, they should already be considering how best to facilitate consumers' payment preferences," added Dr. Hedrick-Wong.


In the global rankings, London topped the world's cities by visitor numbers globally for the second consecutive year. Its number one ranking is based on a projected uplift of international visitor numbers by 1.1% to a record 16.9 million. Paris, in second position, is expecting 16 million inbound passengers, with Bangkok in third position, expecting 12.2 million visitors.


London also ranked first in cross-border expenditure, ahead of New York in second place, with estimated spending in these cities for 2012 amounting to US$21.1 billion and US$19.4 billion respectively. Bangkok makes up the top three with expected visitor expenditure in 2012 of US$19.3 billion.


While cities in Europe and the US ranked highly on the Index, Dr. Hedrick-Wong said that the strong growth figures of African destination cities - in both expected visitor numbers and spending - suggests that destination cities in Africa will continue to grow in importance in the global economy.


"Aside from Nairobi's impressive double digit growth figures, Tunis, after the political upheaval in early 2011, is expected to show growth of 19.8% in visitor spending with a 17.7% increase in visitor numbers. Additionally, Cairo, in spite of ongoing turmoil in Egypt, expects an 8.4% growth in spending and an 8.3% growth in visitor numbers," explained Dr. Hedrick-Wong.


"In spite of the ups and downs of the business cycle, the overall pattern is clear: cross-border travel by air is a resilient trend that is embraced by a growing number of people across Africa, underpinned by visitors' robust willingness and capacity to spend," concludes Dr. Hedrick-Wong.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

French Ambassador hosts Bastille Day celebrations in Kenya

The French Ambassador to Kenya Mr Etienne de Poncins on Saturday July 14 at his Nairobi residence hosted hundreds of guests from all segments of the society for an informal session as part of this year's Bastille Day (Independence Day) celebrations.

Corporate leaders who attended the event were Telkom Kenya board chair Mr Eddy Njoroge as well as several envoys.

According to Wikipedia, Bastille Day, the French national holiday, commemorates the storming of the Bastille, which took place on 14 July 1789 and marked the beginning of the French Revolution. The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the absolute and arbitrary power of Louis the 16th's Ancient Regime and by capturing this symbol, the French people signaled that the king's power was no longer absolute.

Bastille Day was declared the French national holiday on 6 July 1880, on Benjamin Raspail's recommendation, when the new Republic was firmly entrenched. Bastille Day has such a strong signification for the French because the holiday symbolizes the birth of the Republic.


Kind regards,

Michael Ouma

Media Executive


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DHL Express Opens up North Asia Hub for Business

Global freight and logistics giant DHL Express has expanded its wings in the Far East with the opening of its North Asia Hub (NAH).

This will come as welcome news to most African countries which have close business relations with North Asian countries, including China, Japan and Korea.

Commenting on the development, DHL Express Managing Director for Equatorial Africa, Mr. Alan Cassels, who was present at the ceremony, termed it a major milestone that will further enhance trade between Africa and the Far East.

"In keeping with our commitment to convenience and speed, we see this as a strategic development in further cementing business relations between Africa, North Asia and the rest of the world" said Mr. Cassels.

DHL currently operates in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide, including more than 50 within Sub-Saharan Africa which has its own dedicated air network and unparalleled infrastructure. This provides a huge benefit for businesses and private customers looking to access the globe from Equatorial Africa via the DHL network.

The hub is situated at the Pudong International Airport, Shanghai, where the opening ceremony was attended by government dignitaries, financial and investment analysts and top officials from DP DHL, led by CEO, Frank Appel.

The company further announced its plan to commit another US$132 million to add eight dedicated freighter aircraft by 2014 to routes between the NAH and North Asia, Europe and the US. The aircraft will be operated by partner and equity-held airlines: Polar Air, Aerologic, DHL Air UK and other supplier airlines.

"These new aircraft will expand capacity on our existing direct connections between the NAH and Osaka, Tokyo and Seoul, as well as DHL's other global hubs in Leipzig, Germany, and Cincinnati, USA. In addition, we will add new connections between the NAH and East Midlands, UK," said Appel.

Accelerated economic activities in countries like China and Taiwan had prompted the company to increase capacity on existing routes between the NAH and other cities across the world.

DHL pioneered Express services in the region 40 years ago and 32 years ago the company became the first international express operator to enter China.

Currently, the company serves customers in over 40 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region with 40 dedicated aircraft and more than 690 commercial flights per day. It is the market leader for international express in China with more than a 30-percent market share.

"DHL Express North Asia Hub is a logistics milestone in DHL's Asia Pacific network and the culmination of a multi-hub and aviation strategy that cements our leadership position in terms of connections, convenience and cost-effectiveness," said Appel.

Nokia Asha Don't Break the Beat - Mombasa Auditions Announced

Nokia today announced the next round of auditions for the upcoming "Don't Break the Beat" competition. This campaign, linked to the Nokia Asha range of mobile phones, centres on an East African wide search to find the definitive rapper, also known as a "cypher" , amongst the youth.

Aspiring rappers in Mombasa are next in line to impress the judges, when auditions are hosted on Saturday, 21 st July from 09:00 – 17:00 at the Dancourt Hotel . Successful contestants from these auditions go on to battle it out at club nights and national finals, competing with rappers from across Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania for the coveted East Africa title, and a whopping 250,000 KES in prize money, as well as a brand New Nokia Asha mobile phone.

A panel of expert judges has been rounded up to assess the best cypher talent East Africa has to offer. They include: Nazizi; Point Blank Evumbi; Eric Musyoka; Joey Muthengi; Frasha (Francis Amisi) and DJ Joe Mfalme. Their votes carry 70% weight in the final judging. The other 30% will be consumer driven, with voting open at each round on the You Tube channel so everyone gets the opportunity to support their favourite!

"The youth in East Africa are all about self-expression and music is an important part of our culture," says Angela Githuthu, Marketing Activation Manager for Nokia East Africa. "The Nokia Asha range of mobile phones is designed specifically for these vibrant, young consumers, offering freedom of choice across the range which now offers two new models - the Nokia Asha 202 and Nokia Asha 305. We are bringing these devices to market through the Don't Break the Beat campaign which marries the youth's desire for individuality expressed through music, and the wish to have phones that are socially connected and super cool."

Monday 16 July 2012


Joke Jaiyesimi, the former Hip TV producer and later Soundcity honcho, is now one of the people running Spinlet, the digital distribution company headed by whizkid Eric Idiahi.

Sources say Joke, who had worked at MBI, before founding Music Africa with Phillip Trimnell, is now the Creative director at Spinlet, and that she's one of the reasons many Nigerian artistes are warming up to the company.

The beautiful mother-of-one, who cruises around town in her BMW X3, has told friends she's enjoying her new job, and happy to be contributing her own quota, through Spinlet, to the development of Nigerian music and the empowerment of artistes and their labels.



Young Chinese Painters Join Kenyan Youth to Celebrate Art and Environment

A wildlife photographer steadies his camera to snap a lake full of pink flamingoes, while a group of children plays with jovial giraffes and other brightly-coloured birds. Elsewhere, wind turbines spin behind young cyclists and pedestrians inside a giant recycling logo.  

The winning pictures from the 2012 Chinese Children's Painting Competition show the beauty, quirks and challenges of the global environment through the eyes and imaginations of a talented group of 6 to 14 year-olds.

Over 620,000 Chinese children submitted paintings and other artworks to the fifth edition of competition under the theme, The Green Homeland in My Mind.

The young winners traveled from China to receive their prizes at a special ceremony held at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi today.

Following the presentation of the awards by UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner, the children planted trees in the grounds of the UN compound in Gigiri. They were later joined by young people from the Mathare Community Education and Development Organization, based in Nairobi's Mathare slum, for a cross-cultural evening focusing on the environment.

The Chinese Children's Painting Competition, which began in 2008, is jointly run by UNEP and the Luo Hong Fund (founded by entrepreneur and wildlife photographer Luo Hong), with the aim of improving the environmental awareness of schoolchildren in China.  

To date, more than 2.2 million entries have been submitted to the competition.

The painting contest is just one part of the Chinese Children's Environmental Education Programme, also supported by UNEP and the Luo Hong Fund.

A programme on environmental awareness has been integrated into the school curriculum in China, reaching the classrooms of an estimated 12.6 million children since 2008. Additionally, just under 50,000 teachers have received training on the environment and sustainable development.  

Each year, the Chinese Children's Environmental Education Programme designs a special course for the first-prize winners of the painting competition, which aims to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to become young environmental leaders and to encourage their peers to take an active interest in biodiversity, sustainable lifestyles and other issues.

Each year, the artworks submitted by the competition finalists are featured in a traveling exhibition in China. Companies and organizations including Beijing International Airport, Walmart, Panasonic, East Asia Bank, Parkson, the Capitol Building of Beijing and the World Trade Plaza have displayed the paintings to their visitors and customers. To date, more than 27 million people are thought to have viewed the paintings.


Nine senior Obama administration officials led by the President's National Security Advisor for International Economics, Michael Froman, will spend two days in Kenya visiting sites
crucial to the growing US/Kenyan economic relationship, consulting Kenyan officials and American investors, as well as other key figures in Kenya's political and economic establishment.

While in Nairobi, Mr. Froman will deliver a speech to the American Chamber of Commerce in which he will emphasize President Obama's recently announced comprehensive strategy to boost trade, strengthen peace and security, and bolster democratic institutions in Africa. The strategy, announced by the President in June, is meant to build on the accomplishments of the past three years and to encourage the enormous potential for economic growth throughout the continent. 

Among others, Mr. Froman will be accompanied by the Assistant Secretary for Commerce for International Market Access and Compliance, the Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa, as well as the lead White House staff directors for Democracy and Development, and of African Affairs.